Paper model of the Wang Temple
Model of the Wang temple in Karpacz, Poland was made on 1:150 scale. The work was presented at the 9th Lublin Model Meetings in 2014.
The church comes from the town of Vang in Norway, where it was built at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries. The building is a valuable monument of Nordic art, a remnant of Viking architecture. In the 19th century, it became too small for the local population and it was decided to sell it.
In 1941 it was dismantled and transported by ship to Szczecin, and from there to the Royal Museum in Berlin. Eventually, it came to Karpacz, Poland in 1842. A stone belfry was built next to the temple to protect the church from the wind.
An interesting fact is that no nails were used in the construction. All elements were assembled using carpentry joints.
15 Nov 2014
Modeller: no data
Photographer: Ender
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